#8: Nancy's Mysterious Letter
Stock No: WW489087
#8: Nancy's Mysterious Letter  -     By: Carolyn Keene

#8: Nancy's Mysterious Letter

Grosset & Dunlap / 2015 / Hardcover

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Grosset & Dunlap / 2015 / Hardcover

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Product Description

In Nancy's Mysterious Letter by Carolyn Keene, by mistake, Nancy Drew receives a letter from England intended for an heiress, also named Nancy Drew. When Nancy undertakes a search for the missing young woman, it becomes obvious that a ruthless, dangerous man is determined to prevent her from finding the heiress or himself. Clues that Nancy unearths lead her to believe that the villainous Edgar Nixon plans to marry the heiress and steal her inheritance.

During her investigation, Nancy discovers that Nixon is engaged in a racket that involves many innocent, trusting people. The thrilling hunt for Nixon and the heiress takes Nancy in and out of many perilous situations. Recommended for ages 8 to 12.

Product Information

Title: #8: Nancy's Mysterious Letter
By: Carolyn Keene
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 192
Vendor: Grosset & Dunlap
Publication Date: 2015
Dimensions: 7.25 X 4.75 (inches)
Weight: 8 ounces
ISBN: 0448489082
ISBN-13: 9780448489087
Ages: 8-12
Series: Nancy Drew
Stock No: WW489087

Publisher's Description

When Nancy receives a letter informing her she’s heir to a fortune, she decides to track down the sender, as well as the other Nancy Drew.

Author Bio

Carolyn Keene is a pen name used by a variety of authors for the classic Nancy Drew Mystery series. The first author to use the pseudonym was Mildred Wirt Benson, who wrote 23 of the original 30 books. Other writers who have adapted the "Carolyn Keene" moniker include Leslie McFarlane, James Duncan Lawrence, Walter Karig, and Nancy Axelrod.

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