God 360 Degrees: 120 Experiential Devotions - eBook
Stock No: WW67264EB
God 360 Degrees: 120 Experiential Devotions - eBook  -     By: Andy Flannagan

God 360 Degrees: 120 Experiential Devotions - eBook

Authentic Media / 2014 / ePub

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Stock No: WW67264EB

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Stock No: WW67264EB
Authentic Media / 2014 / ePub
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Product Information

Title: God 360 Degrees: 120 Experiential Devotions - eBook
By: Andy Flannagan
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Authentic Media
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: 9781780782812
ISBN-13: 9781780782812
Stock No: WW67264EB

Publisher's Description

Have we replaced the glory of God with our church programs. If so, is there anything we can do to get the glory of God back into our gatherings and individual lives? While we have good music, well-written songs and history to learn from, we can still miss having the presence of God in our meetings the way it was in Bible times. In this challenging and often provocative book, Jarrod Cooper deals with these important questions. Providing plenty of biblical illustrations to support his concerns, Jarrod shakes up more of our conventional thinking on the subject or worship. Can we for example only worship in the presence of the microphone, worship leader and powerpoint. What if all these were stripped away and it was just God and us? What would our worship be like then?

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