2 Corinthians, Volume 2
Stock No: WW85430
2 Corinthians, Volume 2   -     By: Margaret E. Thrall

2 Corinthians, Volume 2

Bloomsbury Academic / 2001 / Hardcover

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Stock No: WW85430

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Stock No: WW85430
Bloomsbury Academic / 2001 / Hardcover

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Product Description

Margaret E. Thrall continues her exhaustive analysis of 2 Corinthians with chapters 8--13. Her exegetical, verse-by-verse exposition addresses historical, linguistic, and theological issues, now the most comprehensive, up-to-date work available. Two concluding essays discuss the Corinthian church's opposition to Paul and his understanding of apostleship, with digressions on the question of Paul'sRoman citizenship.

Product Information

Title: 2 Corinthians, Volume 2
By: Margaret E. Thrall
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 512
Vendor: Bloomsbury Academic
Publication Date: 2001
Dimensions: 8.75 X 5.75 X 1.75 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 6 ounces
ISBN: 0567085430
ISBN-13: 9780567085436
Series: International Critical Commentary
Stock No: WW85430

Publisher's Description

The keenly awaited second volume completing this major commentary on 2 Corinthians. Volume II covers chapters 8-13. Dr Thrall provides an exegetical verse-by-verse exposition and addresses all historical, linguistic and theological issues. This volume also contains two concluding essays, on the nature of the opposition Paul faced in the Corinthian church, and on Paul's understanding of apostleship, as well as excursuses on particular topics such as the question of Paul's Roman citizenship. The two volumes of this commentary now form the most comprehensive and up-to-date work available on 2 Corinthians.>

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