100 Bible Verses That Made America
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100 Bible Verses That Made America  -     By: Robert J. Morgan

100 Bible Verses That Made America

Thomas Nelson / 2021 / Paperback

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Thomas Nelson / 2021 / Paperback

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Product Description

Trying to understand America without Scripture is like describing the human body without including its bloodstream! In 100 brief entries, Morgan explains the Bible's role in our nation's defining moments, the undeniable impact of leaders throughout our history who were intimately acquainted with God's Word, and what these verses mean for our nation today. 384 pages, softcover from Nelson.

Product Information

Title: 100 Bible Verses That Made America
By: Robert J. Morgan
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 384
Vendor: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: 2021
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 X 1.00 (inches)
Weight: 8 ounces
ISBN: 0785222111
ISBN-13: 9780785222118
Stock No: WW5222118

Publisher's Description

Bestselling author Robert Morgan explores 100 Bible verses that powerfully impacted our leaders during defining moments in American history and reflects upon what these verses mean for us as a nation today.

100 Bible Verses That Made America is a tour through the biblical roots of American history—a powerful exploration of our country’s founders, leaders, and the critical moments that laid the foundation for the formation of the USA. Had there been no Bible, there would be no America as we know it. It is the Bible that made America.

When George Washington was sworn into office as our first president, he did not place his hand on the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States, as important as those documents are. Instead, he swore upon and even kissed the Bible to sanctify this important moment. The Bible, Washington knew, had ushered American history to this point.

While not every Founding Father was a Christian, each was knowledgeable about the Bible. And while none of them was perfect, many embraced a deep faith in the unfailing Word of God.

100 Bible Verses That Made America contains:

  • Short, devotional-style chapters, each featuring a Bible verse and how it influenced a historical figure
  • Engaging stories spanning from the Mayflower to modern day
  • Vivid segments that emphasize the Bible as the cornerstone of American history

Journey with Robert J. Morgan as he shares the Bible’s role in the defining moments of American history and its impact on the people of our nation, reminding us of the beauty of faith and country and reigniting our passion for both.

Author Bio

Robert J. Morgan is a Bible teacher and podcaster who serves as associate pastor of World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He is the author of The 50 Final Events in World History, 100 Bible Verses That Made America, The Strength You Need, The Red Sea Rules, Then Sings My Soul, Whatever Happens, and many other titles, with more than five million copies of books in circulation. He speaks at churches, conferences, and conventions all across America as well as overseas. Rob was also a homemaker and a caregiver for his late wife of forty-three years, Katrina, who battled multiple sclerosis and passed away in November of 2019. He and Katrina have three daughters and sixteen grandchildren.

Editorial Reviews

'America needs this book to point us to the Book! I've always loved biographies and history. Throw in the Gospels, and I'm caught hook, line, and sinker. Americans have long been told the United States and its educational system were founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Robert J. Morgan shares proof of this in a compelling, documented manner. Oh, how we need to return to our biblical foundations. I love this book!' -- Dr. Lyn Cook, co-owner, Cooks Pest Control, and author, Employee Number 2

'For years debate has raged over a simple question: Was America founded as a Christian nation? That discussion brings emotions to the surface from all sides of the political spectrum. The very fact that good and evil coexist in our Western culture makes it impossible to provide a clear and crisp answer. But one thing is for sure: Christianity and the ideas of the Enlightenment merged on the shores of a young America. The wisdom of the Bible leaked into the culture of the New World and created a conscience, individually and collectively, that is evident to this day. Rob Morgan persuasively captures this theme most effectively in 100 Bible Verses That Made America. Reflect on it. Share it with your children and your children's children.' -- Edward M. Smith, PhD, president, Williamson College

'What an incredible book. Rob Morgan masterfully demonstrates how the God of history is the same today and tomorrow. He skillfully integrates the truth about American history through story, scripture, theology, and an extraordinarily well-written narrative. His exceptional skill to tell 'the story' transforms this book into a compelling, enriching, encouraging, and insightful historical document that is both devotional and inspirational. This is a must-read for any person interested in a serious, honest study of the relationship between the Bible, Judeo-Christian principles, and American history.' -- Dr. Vernon M. Whaley, dean, School of Music, Liberty University

'Within the pages of this book, Rob Morgan shows you how--from George Washington's inauguration to the National Prayer Breakfast--the Scriptures have played a major role in the life of America and its leaders. The stories recounted here will reveal the foundation of America's beginnings, stir a deeper love for the Bible, and increase your faith. May this book be a catalyst to once again bring an awakening to the hearts of our nation.' -- Daniel Floyd, founding and senior pastor, Lifepoint Church, Fredericksburg, Virginia

'I love the simple but powerful way Robert J. Morgan connects us to our nation's past. His simple layout allows me to memorize these verses and appreciate their significance. These one hundred Bible promises are God-breathed. The one hundred stories are God-blessed.' -- Greg Vaughn, Grace Ministries founder and president

'I must confess, I cried off and on all the way through the reading of this book. The stories of sacrifice and faithfulness of regular human beings who used the Word of God as their compass brought me to my knees. No doubt, if we today would use the same guiding tool, God might 'forgive our sins and heal our land.' 'Robert J. Morgan, a master storyteller, has done the hard work of finding true stories and breathing life into them so we may be challenged to walk boldly in the twenty-first century. I accept the challenge and will be using this book as a daily devotional. This book bolsters my courage to stand strong for the cause of Christ.' -- Kay DeKalb Smith, singer, speaker, humorist

'Rob is one of the most gifted storytellers of our time. In 100 Bible Verses That Made America, he uses his knack for story to trace the staples of Scripture in structuring and sturdy our nation, past and present--how the Bible is the foundation of America's plight to provide liberty and justice for all. Bravo, Rob!' -- Andrew Greer, singer-songwriter and cohost of Dinner Conversations with Mark Lowry and Andrew Greer

'Rob Morgan is a pastor with a heart for people to know God. 100 Bible Verses That Made America is a great reminder of our heritage of faith. If we forget our history, we are adrift. We are all indebted to Rob for directing us toward Gods involvement with our national destiny. I highly recommend this book for all who wonder if God is still at work in the earth.' -- Allen Jackson, pastor, World Outreach Church, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

'Rob Morgan is a student of the Bible. He is also a student of American history. 100 Bible Verses That Made America explores the crossroads of faith and our nation's freedoms, of Scripture and one nation's statehood.' -- Mark Lowry, Grammy-winning singer-songwriter

'Robert J. Morgan has authored an exceptional book that covers the fine points of the making of America, coupled with one hundred Bible verses. His reach to pre-American influences is masterful, as is his intertwining of significant events (the death of Alexander Hamilton, prayers by George Washington, FDR, and Eisenhower, for example) that unfolded to arguably make America what it is today--though a keen thinker might proffer that America is decisively, if not hopelessly, divided today. If there is hope for unity in the current day of political reality in America, perhaps this careful pathway offered by Morgan is a helpful assist to the national conversation.' -- Dr. Michael D. Charles, chaplain (COL) USA, ret., veteran of seven deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq

'Robert J. Morgan sets out with undeniable clarity the reliance on Scripture by many of our most important government leaders throughout history. It is irrefutable that the structural foundation and underpinnings of our great country are in large part rooted in the Word of God. I encourage you to be involved in the political process and to study this book.' -- William L. Waller Jr., Chief Justice of Mississippi, BG (R) MSARNG

'The spiritual history of America lives in the latest book by my friend Robert J. Morgan: 100 Bible Verses That Made America. I am so grateful for this inspiring and exciting description of great Americans and their faith and the principles that make our nation great.' -- Dr. Jack Graham, pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas

'The US has been built on the Bible since the pilgrims crossed the Atlantic. Throughout history the scriptures have inspired us to ingenuity, comforted us in trials, and given us a template to care well for one another. In 100 Bible Verses That Made America, you'll be encouraged to learn afresh how the foundation of our country--and of your life--is grounded on the solid rock of Scripture.' -- Gregg Matte, pastor, First Baptist Church, Houston, Texas

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