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1 & 2 SAMUEL: A Commentary
Product Information
▼▲Title: 1 & 2 SAMUEL: A Commentary By: Robert P. Gordon Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 376 Vendor: Zondervan Publication Date: 1999 | Dimensions: 8.9 X 5.9 X .8 (inches) Weight: 15 ounces ISBN: 0310230225 ISBN-13: 9780310230229 Series: LIBRARY OF BIBLICAL INTERPRET Stock No: WW230299 |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Robert P. Gordon has provided us with a substantial commentary on the English text of the books of Samuel, concentrating on exegesis, but also paying attention to linguistic and textual problems. "I have not tried to "Christianize" 1 and 2 Samuel at every conceivable point. Often as I have sought to show in the brief introductory section comparison; and the only way to arrive at sensible conclusions in this matter is first to appreciate the Old Testament for its own sake- that is in its own literary, historical, cultural and theological contexts. That is principally what this commentary is about."
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