1. 1 & 2 Kings: NIV Application Commentary [NIVAC]
    August H. Konkel
    Zondervan / 2006 / Hardcover
    Our Price$27.06 Retail Price$42.99 Save 37% ($15.93)
    4.2 out of 5 stars for 1 & 2 Kings: NIV Application Commentary [NIVAC]. View reviews of this product. 5 Reviews
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  1. Steve Markoya
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    October 3, 2009
    Steve Markoya
    Mr.Konkel does a great work drawing the reader in and making Israels dark times very relative to our world today.He shows the ability to expound in depth on the life of Israel and educate Christians on their moral obligations through discernment taught in scriptures.This was a book on Kings I very much reccommend.
  2. Mary Cross
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    December 3, 2009
    Mary Cross
    I have looked thru this commentary and think it will be helpful to me for use with my Bible Study I will be leading next year for my Ladies Circle. Thank for asking.
  3. Jimmy Reagan
    Leesville, SC
    Age: 45-54
    Gender: male
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    Solid Help for Application for Kings!
    July 31, 2019
    Jimmy Reagan
    Leesville, SC
    Age: 45-54
    Gender: male
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Professor August H. Konkel produced this commentary on 1&2 Kings in the New International Version Application Commentary (NIVAC) series. Its greatest strength lies in what the series itself aims at: application for our day. Without doubt, the scholarship that undergirds the work is solid, but the scholarly issues that he makes his focus might be less helpful than if he had, say, dove more deeply in the structure or broad themes of the book.

    In fact, it is in the introduction that this becomes clear. Perhaps I overgeneralize, but he makes the theme of his introduction that of the Books of Kings being Deuteronomic history. That emphasis almost exclusively thinks in terms of genre and composition. Even his review of the "prophetic character of Kings" is viewed from that rubric. I feel that there are clearly better options to serve as an overall guide for Kings. If you are of his mind, you will probably rank this volume as "great".

    Despite that caveat, I still can fully recommend this book for its commentary and application. Maybe I'm crazy, but somehow he reminded me of John Walton who has also written in this series. The book increases in value, too, when you consider how few volumes guide us in that last link of the chain called application.

    For the record, what was slightly annoying in the introduction was in no way overwhelming in the commentary proper. I should stress again that the scholarship itself is well done. I see much evidence of careful study and thoughtful reflection. He is never trite or trivial, so you will get plenty of needed help for this often-neglected portion of Scripture.

    While there are a few volumes in the NIVAC series that I enjoyed a little more, this commentary is a solid effort that I without hesitation recommend for your library.

    I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.
  4. The Geeky Calvinist
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    A Good Resource
    April 21, 2018
    The Geeky Calvinist
    Quality: 4
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 4
    1 and 2 Kings, written by August H. Konkel and published by Zondervan, is one of the well written modern commentaries on these books of the Bible. 1 and 2 Kings is a more recent volume of the NIV Application Commentary Series, a series which is synonymous with superior scholarship and excellent exegesis, and this volume continues this legacy. Konkel is no stranger to studious commentaries series on scripture yet this is his first foray into the NIV Application Commentary series.

    1 and 2 Kings begins with the typical study into the introductory matters of these books of the Bible, yet while introductions are common; this introduction is atypical of most commentaries. It is not that this work doesnt dive too much history and recent scholarship, which 1 and 2 Kings does a phenomenal job of, rather, it is the thoroughness that Konkel takes with these introductory matters which makes this commentary atypical. In a day where these matters are either glossed over to get to the exegesis of the text or are so cumbersome that they become useless, Konkel has found a good balance in being thorough, communicating depth and attention to recent scholarship, all without losing the forest in the trees.

    In reference to the commentary on the text of these historical books, Konkel takes great care in carefully showing the original context of passage while sprinkling practical application to the reader throughout the textual commentary. With regard of recommending 1 and 2 Kings, to others I would wholeheartedly recommend this commentary to students of scripture, with one caveat. By this I mean I recommend this work to Pastors, Scholars, Bible Teachers, Bible College Students, and Seminary Students, there is enough scholarly weight to this text to understand a particularly issue in the text while giving aid to pastors in preaching the text. There are many commentaries about the books of 1 and 2 Kings available at this moment but 1 and 2 Kings of the NIV Application Commentary is a step above the herd.

    This book was provided to me free of charge from Zondervan Publishing in exchange for an unbiased, honest review.
  5. Jeff McC
    3 Stars Out Of 5
    September 28, 2018
    Jeff McC
    Quality: 5
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 3
    I found the commentary unnecessarily hard to read and at times meandering. It just seemed hard to get to the point of the particular verse(s) I was examining. As a result, after a while, I consulted it less and less. There may be some good stuff but I had to wade through too much to regard it as useful.
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