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![1 & 2 Kings: Continental Commentary Series [CCS] - By: Volkmar Fritz](http://g.christianbook.com/dg/product/cbd/f400/95303.jpg)
1 & 2 Kings: Continental Commentary Series [CCS]
Product Description
▼▲Product Information
▼▲Title: 1 & 2 Kings: Continental Commentary Series [CCS] By: Volkmar Fritz Format: Hardcover Number of Pages: 416 Vendor: Augsburg Fortress Publication Date: 2003 | Dimensions: 9.25 X 7 (inches) Weight: 2 pounds 1 ounce ISBN: 0800695305 ISBN-13: 9780800695309 Series: Continental Commentary Stock No: WW95303 |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲This volume provides a readable introduction to the narrative books of 1 and 2 Kings appropriate for the student, pastor, and scholar. Fritz combines historical, literary, and archaeological approaches in an engaging synthesis. While he addresses issues of the deuteronomic redaction, the author does not become bogged down in technical discussions or allow this to overshadow the holistic interpretation of the text.
Author Bio
▼▲Anselm Hagedorn teaches Old Testament at the University of Berlin.
Volkmar Fritz is Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology at the University of Giessen, Germany. He is also the Director of the Deutschen Evangelischen Institut fur Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes. He is author of numerous works, including Das Buch Josua (1994), Introduction to Biblical Archaeology (1994), Tempel und Zeit (1977), and Israel in der Wuste (1970). He is also co-editor of The Origins of the Ancient Israelite States (1996).
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